July 7 Exchange Rate

July 6 Exchange Rate
July 8 Exchange Rate

July 7 Exchange Rate

U.S. dollar to renminbi exchange rate (ruitong) provides you with the exchange rate of exchange currencies in the world, as well as query services .

July 7 Exchange Rate

US Dollar 1.00 USD inv. 1.00 USD
Euro 0.981540 1.018807
British Pound 0.838147 1.193108
Indian Rupee 79.055443 0.012649
Australian Dollar 1.470703 0.679947
Canadian Dollar 1.304392 0.766641
Singapore Dollar 1.404548 0.711973
Swiss Franc 0.969553 1.031403
Malaysian Ringgit 4.427685 0.225852
Japanese Yen 135.662646 0.007371
Chinese Yuan Renminbi 6.707872 0.149079