November 12 Exchange Rate

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November 12 Exchange Rate

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November 12 Exchange Rate

Currency Spot purchase Cash buy Cash sale Cash selling
USD 660.46 655.08 663.25 663.25
EUR 776.2 752.08 781.92 784.43
GBP 870.9 843.84 877.32 881.2
Hong Kong dollar 85.17 84.5 85.51 85.51
Himoto 6.2663 6.0716 6.3124 6.3221
Korean Won 0.5913 0.5705 0.5961 0.6179
Macau Pataca 82.78 80.01 83.11 85.88
UAE currency - 173.84 - 186.75
Australian dollar 479.41 464.52 482.94 485.08
Brazilian currency - 117.82 - 133.78
Canadian Dollars 504.34 488.42 508.06 510.3
Taiwan Dollar - 22.37 - 24.24
Swiss franc 719.61 697.41 724.67 727.77
Danish Krone 104.17 100.96 105.01 105.51
Indonesian Rupiah - .0451 - .0486
Indian Rupee - 8.3557 - 9.4223
Ringgit 163.22 - 164.69 -
Norwegian Krone 72.26 70.03 72.84 73.19
New Zealand Dollar 453.26 439.27 456.44 462.72
Philippine Dollar 13.57 13.1 13.73 14.34
ruble 8.55 8.02 8.61 8.94
Saudi coins - 171.52 - 181.32
Swedish Krona 76.12 73.77 76.74 77.1
Singapore Dollars 488.68 473.6 492.12 494.57
Thai Baht 21.76 21.09 21.94 22.63
Turkish currency 84.29 80.16 84.97 97.56
South African Rand 42.13 38.89 42.41 45.72